Private Demo Released!

Author Topic: Upgrade to Console Key Available Again?  (Read 5681 times)


Upgrade to Console Key Available Again?
« on: February 22, 2017, 01:18:20 PM »
First, just wanted to say that I'm super stoked for the game. It looks like it's coming along great!

So I'm not sure how I did it, but I completely missed the chance to upgrade my pledge to get a PS4 key instead of a pc/steam key. I see on my profile page that the option to do that is no longer available and that you would let us know if it became available again. I don't suppose there is any updated info on this, is there? My computer situation is less than ideal, so I would love the opportunity to get a PS4 key instead.


Alonso Martin

Re: Upgrade to Console Key Available Again?
« Reply #1 on: February 24, 2017, 11:46:27 PM »
Hey Domopunk! Glad you're looking forward to the game. Unfortunately, due to how the deals were set up with first parties, we can't reopen the PS4/Vita/Wii U pledge window. Wish I had better news, but the game will run smoothly on most computers and will support any controller.


Heart Forth, Alicia Boards