Private Demo Released!

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General talk / Can we buy into the $50 demo still?..
« Last post by lostinspace on January 27, 2017, 05:57:12 PM »
Hey guys,
What an amazing looking game...been following your progress for about 6 months now and ive been super excited...zelda meets metroid meets ff...anyways i didnt know about the game during your kickstarter and was wondering if your taking any late comers to get 50 dollar tier rewards...totally want the pet and demo access...thanks for your hard work...

by the way, would love to see you guys do a top down rogue lite with similar style to alicia for your next project...

General talk / Re: Nintendo Switch?
« Last post by Ladnaks on January 26, 2017, 01:40:14 PM »
Nice to hear that!
General talk / Re: Nintendo Switch?
« Last post by Alonso Martin on January 23, 2017, 08:08:50 PM »
The Wii U port is still in place and won't change. We might look into the Switch but will first prioritize the console port stretch goals we reached during the campaign.
General talk / Re: Nintendo Switch?
« Last post by James Closs on January 21, 2017, 11:34:27 AM »
I think it will depend on how Nintendo does their new online service.
General talk / Nintendo Switch?
« Last post by Ladnaks on January 21, 2017, 11:15:36 AM »
Does the release of the Nintendo Switch affect HEART FORTH, ALICIA? Will it still be released for the WiiU, or will the target platform be changed to the Switch?
General talk / Re: Physical copies incoming?
« Last post by feverberries on August 24, 2016, 10:03:41 AM »
The PC physical copies and the Phyiscal Talebook were a Kickstarter reward, so they can’t be obtained at this point. However, we might work with Limited Run Games or Indiebox in the future, so that might be of interest to you. Once the game's released, we'll look into that and share any news with you.
Yeah i totally understand that.

Keeping thumbs up for any other future physicals then! I'll go with the digital version for starters.
General talk / Re: Physical copies incoming?
« Last post by Guardian of Irael on August 23, 2016, 11:13:38 AM »
Uh Indiebox, too! That would be nice! ^ ^

Have you already though what to put inside that? Any ideas? ^ ^
General talk / Re: Physical copies incoming?
« Last post by Alonso Martin on August 23, 2016, 10:30:13 AM »
Happy to know you're excited about HFA.

The PC physical copies and the Phyiscal Talebook were a Kickstarter reward, so they can’t be obtained at this point. However, we might work with Limited Run Games or Indiebox in the future, so that might be of interest to you. Once the game's released, we'll look into that and share any news with you.
General talk / Physical copies incoming?
« Last post by feverberries on August 16, 2016, 03:39:11 PM »

First of all, i'm beyond excited to see this high quality metroidvania coming out soon, since i've been waiting for these ever since playing SotN. I almost can't believe my eyes!

But for the question; Are the physical copies really impossible to obtain now that i've missed the initial Kickstarter campaign? I understand that they are rewards for the early supporters, but i would really love to own gems like this as physical copies. I hope i don't have to hunt it down on ebay at release date for a crazy premium lol.

PS4 and PC versions would be both fine, but as far as i understand, it's a bigger process to release physicals for PS4, so i guess i'm asking a PC version here. Any plans to make even some other kind of physical version near release? That PS1 box plus Talebook sounded really awesome though... what a bummer i'm so late on this.
General talk / Re: Upcoming Alpha Test
« Last post by Alonso Martin on August 11, 2016, 10:31:20 AM »
Ah, wish I'd seen this before. Just got back to you via PM. Hope that answers your question!
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Heart Forth, Alicia Boards