Private Demo Released!

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never mind im a ditz, i missed the rewards section on my backer page, my bad.

delete or lock please.
title says it all really.
That's really heartwarming to hear, solarphantom! <3 Thanks for sharing that and for backing the game.

We have friendly a Discord community where you can share your progress, screenshots or ask for any feedback. Might be a good way to get more motivation to work on your game projects :)

I also do livestreams every Tuesday at 1pm CT, would be great to see you there!:
Great, solarphantom. We need a lot of cool new game devs! :3

If you start to work on a project show us a bit of it every now and then! ^ ^
I had always wanted to make games, but it was more on the "meh, I would love to, but I can't" type of want.

I then saw your kick starter, funded it on the very last day possible with all the money I could save up at the time sadly only like $50 but you know it somewhat helped. I was happy just knowing I put forward some money to help someone develop a game, then as the project went along and a few trailers came out, my little spark of wanting to make games turned in to a flame.

I doubt I would have actual game plans if I had never found this. Thank you Alonso!
General talk / Re: Finally
« Last post by Guardian of Irael on March 24, 2017, 04:59:21 AM »
Path, HFA is being quite in the spotlight(articles, fairs... )
It had an epic KS campaign: (with several updates)
Alonso (the author) is quite active on twitter:
There is a Discord Channel where you can chat with Alonso and other fans/cool devs:
Every Tuesday night, there is a live stream on twitch where Alonso shows how he works on the game! Be sure to follow the channel and activate the notify to receive an email.
^ ^
General talk / Finally
« Last post by Path on March 24, 2017, 12:45:30 AM »
For a while there I thought this game might not actually have existed!

I first found out about this game through Chucklefish, who was publishing it (at the time), and thought it looked really cool; then a while ago any existence of it disappeared from their site. I looked around several time over the past year or so, but because I didn't know its name, as I had only ever seen it through a link on the Chucklefish website, I had no luck in finding it... until today. What happened?

Regardless, I'm glad I finally found it again.
General talk / Re: Upgrade to Console Key Available Again?
« Last post by Alonso Martin on February 24, 2017, 11:46:27 PM »
Hey Domopunk! Glad you're looking forward to the game. Unfortunately, due to how the deals were set up with first parties, we can't reopen the PS4/Vita/Wii U pledge window. Wish I had better news, but the game will run smoothly on most computers and will support any controller.
General talk / Upgrade to Console Key Available Again?
« Last post by Domopunk on February 22, 2017, 01:18:20 PM »
First, just wanted to say that I'm super stoked for the game. It looks like it's coming along great!

So I'm not sure how I did it, but I completely missed the chance to upgrade my pledge to get a PS4 key instead of a pc/steam key. I see on my profile page that the option to do that is no longer available and that you would let us know if it became available again. I don't suppose there is any updated info on this, is there? My computer situation is less than ideal, so I would love the opportunity to get a PS4 key instead.

General talk / Re: Can we buy into the $50 demo still?..
« Last post by Alonso Martin on January 31, 2017, 12:52:44 AM »
I appreciate your interest and your kind words! The tiers above $25 are unfortunately no longer available. You might want to check the rewards for the 15/25 tiers and see if they sound worth it to you, or otherwise you can just wait until the final game's out to get on board.

As for the next game... we'll see! Let's get this one finished first :)
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Heart Forth, Alicia Boards