Private Demo Released!

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General talk / [Issue] All backer Demo access
« Last post by MrGoatastic on January 18, 2018, 08:05:42 AM »
Hello, i'm a kickstarter backer and i try to access my all-access demo for the game on

i never created an account on the website as i didnt had any access to anything before, but when i click resend invitation, even after 24h and 2 try  no email never arrive in my mail box. ( checked junk )

it's the right email, i've checked . If i enter the wrong email it's say there is nothing in the data base with this email and i try to find my password but its say i'm not register yet.

can someone help me with getting this access ?
General talk / Re: Issue launching the demo
« Last post by Alonso Martin on January 16, 2018, 08:45:07 PM »
Thanks! Do you get a crash.txt file or a /crash/ folder?
General talk / Re: Issue launching the demo
« Last post by idontknow on January 16, 2018, 08:43:19 PM »
I have Windows Defender; I turned it off and tried running the demo but it did the same thing. My specs are:
Intel Core i7 6700k
32 GB of RAM
ASRock Z170 Extreme4 motherboard
NVIDIA GeForce GTO 1080
447 GB Crucial SSD
General talk / Re: Issue launching the demo
« Last post by Alonso Martin on January 16, 2018, 04:25:05 PM »
Sorry to hear you're having this issue. We haven't seen this one before. Do you by chance have an antivirus or similar software that could be shutting the game down? Could you also provide your computer specs? Lastly, does a /crash/ folder get created after the game shuts down? If so, could you email those contents to please?
General talk / Re: 20$ version, download link?
« Last post by Alonso Martin on January 16, 2018, 04:18:59 PM »
Hey wcdhockey,

Please send an email to or a DM to me via the forum with the email & name you used to pledge for the game. Usually it turns out the email associated with the pledge is a different one.

General talk / Re: 20$ version, download link?
« Last post by wcdhockey02 on January 16, 2018, 03:46:08 PM »
I also ran into the issue where it doesn't have me in the database.  I can provide the receipt to my purchase if need be.  I have been following the game for awhile and was pretty psyched that you guys put out a demo to get our feet wet with!  If you can help me get it dl'd, I'd appreciate it!
General talk / Issue launching the demo
« Last post by idontknow on January 13, 2018, 07:05:02 PM »
I am on Windows 10 64-bit and whenever I try to launch the game it shows up briefly in the task manager and then closes. Is there a fix for this issue?
General talk / Re: 20$ version, download link?
« Last post by Alonso Martin on December 28, 2017, 10:53:46 AM »
Hey AngelSmilePlease,

You should've received an email from a address, might've been filtered into your junk mail. If not, send yourself another invite here. Let me know how that goes.
General talk / Re: 20$ version, download link?
« Last post by AngelSmilePlease on December 26, 2017, 04:24:39 PM »

I just bought the 20$ version via Paypal that says "Access to the All-Backers Demo". Where can I download the demo version?

Haven't received an email yet.

exactly the same problem. Could you check it please?
General talk / Re: 20$ version, download link?
« Last post by Alonso Martin on December 21, 2017, 11:33:57 AM »
Thanks for the update. Hope you enjoy the demo :)
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