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General talk / Re: Trouble logging in
« Last post by Alonso Martin on March 31, 2021, 02:22:35 PM »
Hey Théo,

I'm not sure if it's you who contacted me via DM on Discord. If it's easier for you, send me a DM through this forum and I'll look into it.
General talk / Re: Trouble logging in
« Last post by Théo on March 31, 2021, 09:46:05 AM »
Thanks for the reply.

I'm not a regular Discord user, so I tried to do as you say. Tell me if I'm mistakenly doing something.

General talk / Re: Trouble logging in
« Last post by Alonso Martin on March 29, 2021, 10:39:39 AM »
Hi Théo,

The username/password for this forum and the ones for the Backer's Club are different. You might be using a different email for the Backer's Club, which is not in our database. Feel free to send me a DM through our Discord server ( to solve this problem.
General talk / Trouble logging in
« Last post by Théo on March 28, 2021, 02:05:21 PM »

I have a problem to log on the site.
With my username or mail address, it reads "Sorry, but we were unable to log you in. Feel free to try again".

Even though I reseted my password and it's working fine on the forum.

Any guess what is happening ?

General talk / Re: Refund
« Last post by Guardian of Irael on April 05, 2020, 04:14:50 PM »
I was hoping to get more email updates about this game
Emails? Remember that there are other ways to stay updated about the project:
- Twitch Channel with regular livestreams every other week (the author of the game replies to the chat):
- A Discord server. The author usually replies there and notify about when he is live:
- The official Twitter with (almost) monthly updates
- Kickstarter's campaign news are regular, too, even if there is a bit more of time to wait because you need time and lot of work for a single post rich of images and content.
^ ^

I'm following him since before the KS project and he never disappeared into the mist and never stopped to work on HFA.
^ ^
General talk / Re: Refund
« Last post by Majk on April 05, 2020, 03:07:44 PM »
I was hoping to get more email updates about this game and came here for the exact same reason.
General talk / Re: Refund
« Last post by melicerte on February 19, 2020, 03:57:06 AM »
For the record, it's not possible to be refunded.

When it's released, if one wants my copy of the game and it is possible to give it as a gift, just let me know :)
General talk / Refund
« Last post by melicerte on February 18, 2020, 02:06:01 PM »

I backed this project in 2014. I'm tired of waiting.
How can I get a refund ? I sent a private message to Alonso who did not answer.
Miscellaneous / Off-topic talk / Are you going to see live action Lion King?
« Last post by Jackierow on April 25, 2019, 06:24:32 AM »
I'm getting mad nostalgia just from seeing the trailer

Why did they choose to remake so many movies all of a sudden?
Miscellaneous / Off-topic talk / post whatever youre listening to
« Last post by HarleyAped on March 21, 2019, 02:34:02 PM »
ill start
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Heart Forth, Alicia Boards