Heart Forth, Alicia - Public Section > General talk

Let's Talk: Finding "Heart Forth, Alicia"

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Seeing as only 70 members exist, (so far) I think we may have a rough start getting these forums active, so Let's Talk. Get to know each other a wee bit and have some fun along the way.

     So, tonight I have one simple question: How did you, my dear reader, stumble across Heart Forth Alicia? Any thrilling tales or stories of woe that may have gave you some interest of this game?

For me, I discovered this via Starbound. As of recent times, the development blog of that game has been... Slow to say the least. So, I decided to give this game a look. I'll be honest in saying that when I first saw the post for HFA, I kinda, well, groaned. The folks at Chucklefish are a generous group, but the amount of games they are helping with is rather large for a company their size.
Anyway, out of boredom, I decided to check out the HFA Kickstarter page. For only 3-4 days passed, it was well over its funded goal, and after seeing some gameplay itself, I understood why. So, I created a Kickstarter account and put in 150$ When other greater stretch goals were released, I went on a persuasive rampage, trying to get my friends to spend their money on this game's development (none of them did, sadly)
About a month later, here I am, writing these very words. It was fun watching the Kickstarter and it's going to be more fun watching the development.
Now what's your story?

I found the Kickstarter through the NeoGAF thread. I checked it out of curiosity and loved the style and visuals right away, so backing it was a no-brainer.

James Closs:
How did I come across it?  Geez, uh....  Honestly I think it popped up under projects recommended for me based on other projects I had backed.  The whirlwind of me spamming my own Facebook wall full of updates, most notably when Manami Matsumae was announced, kind of blew my recollection of its origins away.

Must have been a good day though, since I backed Cosmochoria the same day  :)

I was linked to it somewhere (probably mn9 ks comments), thought it was neat...
and bookmarked it.

>_>; I didn't actually back until near the end... (also had more money to throw at it by then :P)

I found it the old fashioned way... browsing through the Kickstarter games section :) - reminded me a lot visually of the Legend of Iya kickstarter when I saw the thumbnail, and frankly I have a nostalgic place for the beautifully rendered pixel art & platforming :D


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