Heart Forth, Alicia - Public Section > General talk

So, How 'bout that E3??

(1/2) > >>

James Closs:
Mostly I'm interested in how HFA was received, but if people know about something else cool that was shown off there that wasn't in one of the Showcases that would be cool to hear about as well.

Alonso Martin:
My body is still sore from standing up so much, but it was great! Met with a lot of interesting people (including fanboying with Tim Schafer and Koji Igarashi) and with a lot of talented indie developers. I'll be sure to write an update to let you guys know how it went :)

James Closs:
Oooo, did Igarashi try HFA?

Guardian of Irael:
Good to hear (and rest well)! ^ ^
Waiting the update! ^ ^

what did the people at e3 say about the game?


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