Heart Forth, Alicia - Public Section > General talk

Game Informer Penetration!

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James Closs:
I was reading through my latest issue of Game Informer and came across almost an entire page dedicated to HFA.  And then, later in the issue, they had a sidebar of "Games to watch for in 2015" and HFA was on the list!   ;D

It was pretty cool.

Alonso Martin:
Oh, nice! They didn't send a copy this way and I'm not a subscriber, so I unfortunately can't take a look at it :( Maybe you could take a pic of the page for us? :D

James Closs:
Sure, I'll work on that.  I lent my copy to a friend, so I'll take a photo as soon as I get it back.

Alonso Martin:
Sweet, thanks! :)

James Closs:
I used Gyazo to screen grab them, so you'll have to click on them to view the image.

The full page article is pointing it out as an example of a Metroid-Vania indy title, giving Ghost Song as a Sci-Fi example, and HFA as a Fantasy example.  I was most impressed that HFA got that spot over Chasm given that Chasm has its alpha out and playable, so they must REALLY find HFA interesting, as well they should ;)  The actual write up doesn't seem to have much information that couldn't be gleaned from the website and trailer video, but hopefully it will get more people looking it up :)




The third one is just a list of games they think might be out in 2015 that they think look interesting, but it was still cool to see HFA on there.


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