Heart Forth, Alicia - Public Section > General talk

[Poll] What gamepad will you use to play HFA?

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Alonso Martin:
You can also vote on this poll if you don't want to create a forum account.

If you prefer to play with a gamepad as opposed to keyboard, and for purposes of offering your gamepad an auto-profiling/mapping when you first start the game, we wanted to know what gamepads were the most popular amongst you.

This doesn't mean the game won't support the controllers that are not as popular: you'll still be able to remap the keys of whichever controller you choose to use—the game supports all controllers that are recognized by your OS—, so don't worry if you don't see your controller listed there.

If your controller doesn't happen to be in our database, you might need to take a few seconds when you start the game to remap the controller buttons to your liking (in-game). Pretty simple. Or, later down the line, you can give us 3 minutes of your time to help us populate our profiling database with information from your controller.

Note 1: We do know there is a pretty awesome dev library called SDL that handles this kind of thing. We're looking into it, but we wanted to have a good idea of controller popularity.

Note 2: You can naturally choose to play with the keyboard if you like that better!

I will most certainly be using a PS3 controller to play HFA.

I'll most likely be using a wireless Xbox 360 controller.


DualShock 4.


Trace Bullet:
DualShock 4


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