Heart Forth, Alicia - Public Section > Miscellaneous / Off-topic talk

Let's Talk: First Metroidvania?

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I started with metroid >.<. the countless hours "well spent" behind that nintendo.

First was Castlevania about 28 years ago!!! Then Metroid on the nes not long after...
Of course the ones I likes the most are:
1- Super Metroid
2- Castlevania SOTN

And by the way if you didn't saw speed run of Super Metroid, you realy should go check that on youtube. It is very impressive what people have accomplished with that game.

James Closs:
The first one I saw was Castlevania 3, when a family friend was playing it at his house.  I thought it looked really cool, especially when Alucard turned into a bat.  (I was easily impressed at 6)  Later, he let me try the first Castlevania, but it was really hard for me when I was 6, so I gave up after trying to fight the first boss several times.  Then my parents eventually broke down and got me an NES, and I got Metroid.  It was never one of my favorite games, but I thought it was cool.

Oh, and I just did a search on what are generally considered Metroidvania games, and was reminded of Blaster Master!  That was a fantastic game that did a lot of interesting things with gameplay.  And it was fairly Metroidvania-ish, or certainly Metroid-ish.  I think I liked it more than Metroid.

In the sense that Metroidvania is generally understood now, I would probably point to Symphony of the Night as being the primary influence for my appreciation of it.

Im gonna get some hate for this, but my first Metroidvania that wasn't a Metroid or Castlevania game was Zelda 2 on the Nes.  A lot of people say that this is a bad game or is a horrible Zelda title, but i disagree.  Sure its hard as hell and has some unfair enemies but the game plays wonderfully.  The Rpg system was really fun, learning different attacks and magic as you progressed.  The finally battle with Shadow Link was a Epic boss battle that stays with me today.  I really think Nintendo should have made a new IP instead of using Zelda though.  I would love to see a new game built like that one was, but with better hints at what to do next.

I agree with you James, Blaster Master was an awesome game. How many hours I searched that damn 4th stage entrance to find out I had to go all the way back in stage 1 and then entrance to stage 5 and 6 was in stage 2 and 3. Good memories.


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